Thursday 14 April 2011

Hope. My Saving Graces ♥

I have 2 saving graces, not one.

So yesterday, it took me not a lot of time to cheer up. By 11:30 I laughed so much that my stomach hurt and I was on the floor. The reason -- I found out my lil brother, who's 5, can speak a somewhat broken version of English. Man he sounded so damn cute. How did i find that out?

Him: I'm hungry (in urdu)
Me: What you wanna eat? (urdu)
Him: Noodles. 1 Packet. 
Me: Lol okay, why one packet? why? why? (i sed 1 why in urdu)
Him: the hungry i am

haha awww, riight?
He was tryna tell me he's hungry :D 
So for the fun of it, us all sibblings kept talking to him in English. He loves my room. *sometimes thinks that it is his* :P

He told me "Get out in the my room"
He told me to get out. Out of my Own room! LOL and I was like its my room, then he goes like "NO my room.... look.... Picture" I have his picture framed in my room. So he was pointing at it. lol, cute, right? And after his further adorable attempt to speak a bit more of what is his idea of english -- which is joining a string of words which make sense to him -- he made me stand on the weighing machine with him and then saw our total weight and he was like "We have to eat!! we have to gain weight!! Make noodles!! 2 packets!!" lool man he really brightens up my life. He brings so much joy to my heart. I really don't know how I would have made it out of life this far without him. I love Babies :) He is my first saving grace ♥

I'm really happy today :D
1. Just 1 tution which doesnt start till 9:30 
2. Graduation tommorow, means I get a chance to do Sheesha(Hookah) and prolly sum bitch fights too :P *or it cud b boring as always l-)*
3. It's my 5 months Anniversary :D:D:D:D Just this one reason is making me epic happy :D Yayie! ♥ ♥ *I love love love love love love love him a lot a lot a lot, he makes my life so much better :)* ♥ my second saving grace ♥

Lol I actually forgot that its my anniversary 0.o until a really really really really *couldnt write enough reallys* good friend wished me.And then yay! I'm all happy :D *I was already happy* but then I became more happy :D

I made pastries this morning ♥ They were good. Man my weight just keeps falling. It really freaks me out. I mean how is it even possible? I ♥ FOOD!! and cooking!! and Eating ♥ I think I'm gonna go make some pasta now, if I have the time. I have like so much to do!!! I have to correct these business past papers for some girl I don't even know, write a personal statement for a good friend, make this video thing for grad and I have to make this dumb worksheet for the kid who comes to my tutions. Every since, I finished 12th, I've bin so effin busy. And I thought finishing off 12th early would be loads more free time till January.

I'm looking for a new good recipe for pasta. Cant find any. Sucks. I love food ♥ *i must hve mentioned it a million times*. lol Anyways, I'm just having a real good day :) I guess life's not that bad at all. Actually pretty AWESOME atm. Anyone depressed out there? Want to cheer up? I'll give you 1 damn good idea, find a hot, stubborn guy, who works out or is like epic strong, then go like "Hey beautiful lady" LMAO trust me, you'll laugh. and if you dont then umm heres one that will make you laugh --- A pigeon shit on my sister's head XD. If you still dont laugh, man please stop being depressed 0.o Being happy is good for health sometimes. Anyways, I guess I'll go now, but I've got to say this saying, I absolutely LOVE it.

"Life's funny sometimes and can push pretty hard, like when you fall in love with someone, but they forget to love you back. Like when your best friend and your boyfriend leave you alone. Like when you pull the trigger or light the flame and can't take it back.
Every once in a while people step up, they rise above themselves. Sometimes they surprise you, and sometimes they fall short. Life is funny sometimes, it can push pretty hard, but if you look close enough you find hope in the words of children, in the bars of a song and in the eyes of someone you love. And if you're lucky, and if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back."
- One Tree Hill ♥

He's got my heart ♥ 

Must-Have Song - Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol ♥

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