Saturday 10 December 2011

HAHA I'm going to get you all depressed!

Oh my god – Sixteenth January is so far. I know most people die to come home and stuff but man I can not even begin to express how much I want to get back to Malaysia right now. Man this place is boring – no offence Riyadh, but seriously, I’ve been home like barely 2 freaking weeks and I haven’t done anything, or met most of my friends. There is no internet, no TV, no going out, no cinemas, no malls *yes, they are malls, ahmazing ones but I can’t go out, will get to that later* - I can safely say I have reached the limit of lifelessness. I dont even have anything to write about - I could update about me - but honestly I dont think anyone wants to read that. 

Well, I still am very uninspired so I'm just going to post a note I wrote long time ago - and guess what? TADA you all will get depressed after reading it - good luck lol.

We all hit rock bottom. And you know what sucks the most? The moment right before you hit rock bottom and you know that any day now you are going to hit it. Knowing is slow torture. Total mind-fucking. There is nothing like the feeling of falling towards the bottom, embracing the misery, the pain and all the disappointment. And you can’t just ignore it, or reality just comes down crashing. Trust me. Done that, been there. And I know everything will be okay, but I just don't believe it. I just can't, I don't see reason and my heart doesn’t feel it. This waiting for the moment when things fall back into place is hard. I keep breaking a little every day, and a little more slowly. And I’m trying not to let this entire masquerade of life to not let it change me, but it is just hard. It just gets f.u.c.k.i.n.g. harder every day. And I wonder why, what is the point of all this anyways. And you know what? The truth there is no point of all this - It’s just life; no one is supposed to get out alive anyways.

Sometimes people disappoint you - they dont mean to but they do. Like when your best friend doesn't call you on your birthday, when you fall in love but dont get love in return, when you work your ass off and dont score a grade, when you try so hard but your parents dont see. Yes, life is a huge pile of disappointments. You can either let it get to you and destroy you or you can let it go early on. Truth be told, it's hard to let go. After 18 years of my life, I think I just may have found the key to being happy. It basically involves not having any expectations from anyone because you know what? When people don't meet your expectations, it hurts. All expectations shatter to pieces and so does hope.

Anyways Fuck it, man I have this really bad craving for the McD quarter pounder or the KFC Zinger -.- I miss Malaysia.
Food is Love 
Btw, got anyone depressed? :D I'm feeling all evil.
Peace out Suckers x)

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