Wednesday 15 February 2012

Oh This Just got to be The Good Life ♥

Redang Island
Today was a weird day, had the usual boring classes – one even got cut short, which was pretty awesome, got invited to this seminar on Saturday, well more like I got forced to accept cause it is compulsory to attend but they gave it as in the name of invitation anyways and got invited (this time it was an actual invitation) to choose between 2 trips – one is a one-day resort and the other is a 4-day trip to an island, of course I chose the island DUH! Bitching Awesome. Then I realized that the stupid seminar – yes it is going to be stupid, it is on the cultural diversity of my uni followed by a football match, neither if which interests me – interferes with my weekend plans to chill with my friend *sad face*.

So I called my friend today at 3pm for a change of plans for this weekend, this is somewhat how the conversation went. It was pretty hilarious.

*Music in the background*
Me: Got my text? Sunday, sure?
Rouaa: Yeah, are you in a party?
Me: LOL nop bus.
Rouaa: Whaaaat bus is that? D:

Also, we had a new lecturer and man that guy is like the terminator or something. No notes, actually strict and other scary stuff which I can’t seem to remember right now. Doesn’t matter. After explaining the syllabus, he went like “Why do I see all worried face? Why so serious?” LOL the last part made me think of Joker – yes from batman DUH and a bunch of 9gag posts – and mostly our reactions were “No, just sleepy. Differentiate.”

Some days I feel like everyone around me is trying to turn me into lesbian. God damn it – No I don’t need the details of the hot chick you saw, or the one walking behind you or any other – I mean seriously? She’s got a figure I get it – No I don’t need the intimate details. This friend of mine actually used to make me check out chicks with him -_- He still does it – well I love him anyways. Though, it is pretty awesome to be on the other end of the checking out shit.

I have a few concepts in my head for some artwork but I can’t seem to get my lazy ass to actually get to do them. My schedule is so freaking hectic, especially today – my Wednesday just started and I have class from 9 am to 9pm with gaps of course during which I have a million things to do. God damn, I wish I could fly my ass back to ksa back into my own bed and sleep.

I did none-what-so-ever pondering on the meaning of life today and finally today for the first time in almost half a year, I didn’t have much trouble sleeping.

I texted this friend of mine – the same one who makes me check out girls – like a million times but apparently he had lost his cell and put his sim in another cell so he didn’t know who it was so he never replied. Then he finally called me.

Me: You son of a bitch -
Him: Hi sarah

LOL he guessed it was me with my few words :D how awesome is that :D

All in all my life is going pretty good which is messing with my head cause I don’t remember the last time my life went this smooth. Shocking though. My sarcasm is back – thankyou 9gag & thankyou Chandler Bing for giving it to me in the first place. I’m on a roll bitches.
I'm not really good at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment instead?

Have nothing inspiring on me yet. Sucks. Might upload my sketches later someday.

 Hit me with your best shot - Wednesday Classes

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