Thursday 16 February 2012

I made it ♥

I made it through Wednesday. Yay! There was a shit load to do. I woke at 3 am to pull a presentation and 2 Mandarin assignments out of somewhere – was gonna write ass first, but it sounded weird, nobody pulls out anything out of their ass.

I kept freaking falling asleep in my first class, and inside the class it was cold as Narnia during the time of the white witch – ironic, since outside the university it’s like Mordor’s hell. After this class, I baked myself in the sun for an hour and thankfully I made it through the next class without freezing to death.
The hardest thing I did today was keeping my sarcasm to myself throughout the Mandarin class. My lecturer can say some of the most ridiculous things. Also, he cleared any doubts I had about Russell Peters being wrong – clearly he was right about the Chinese in every perspective and he also missed some others which he would have noticed if a Chinese lecturer ever taught him. They will certainly come before time and never, not even by mistake leave a minute before they have to.

Today, he told us to carry out Mandarin dictionaries with us wherever we go, like it’s our BOYFRIEND or GIRLFRIEND and look the Chinese words wherever we see them. That is honestly much much worse than being forever alone level 9000. He also told us to learn the dictionary in our free time – Yes, because all I have ever wanted to do in my free time is learn the Mandarin dictionary. Thankfully, that class got over soon.

I had 4 hours of gap during which I did a shitload of things. Literally my most hectic day up to date – I went gave my presentation to my friend, got my sketch scanned, then went and enhanced the sketch, then paid for my awesome trip, then I went grabbed lunch, and then ran off to Times Square – Yes, Malaysia also has one; it’s a 10 storey mall, heaven for shoppers – then looked around for a decent T-shirt and then got my sketch printed on it and it looked better than I thought it would. I honestly wish right now that I could keep the shirt but sadly, I can’t; it’s a gift. I’ll upload a picture after I’ve given it away.

I reached just 20 minutes before my class, which went surprisingly well – considering I had to present a presentation with a group that I didn’t have, but my good luck - the projector didn’t work. Some of my classmates did talk to me too and then gave me something weird to eat while they laughed at my expression *god damn I don’t know what on earth I ate* – so YAY I’m not invisible anymore and the best part of all the lecturer ended the class early.

I missed the god-damn bus, which meant waiting for 50 minute for the next one. All my depressed thoughts suppressed deep inside starting surfacing and so I sat and listened to Eminem. His songs flow through my veins like a drug and I can’t think of anything but listen to the music. That guy is legend.

But as I sat there in the pouring rain, waiting by the bus stand, I looked around and saw everyone had someone to talk, and I knew some of the people passing by, yet, I didn’t really know anyone around here and no one really knows who I am. I tried to not let it get to me. But it did anyways. The most depressing thing I realized today was no one has ever asked me even once how I am doing on the inside – which made me realize that I should it more often too. Hell, we all should cause you never know how close somebody is to going over the edge. Anyone can look happy, but still be messed up on the inside. So the next time you meet your friends, ask them if they are doing okay, let them know you care.

Btw, I finished off an entire regular pizza and I am god damn proud of that. After which I got 11 hours of decent sleep. Food & Sleep - perfect ending to an almost acceptably good day.

Got to go for class. All you people out there with their lives messed up, just keep holding on, through on an Eminem record – or iPod – and listen to Beautiful by him. It will definitely inspire you and you’ll get through all of this crazy life stuff :)

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