Thursday 19 April 2012

Updates. Random Talk.

So I have been lost for almost a month, well not really lost but man I have been busy. I haven’t blogged in almost a month. There’s so much to type. I swear if I don’t get all of it out, okaaay I don’t know what is going to happen. I need to TALK, type etc etc. I’ve been out of human touch for too long, well ok I meet humans but I don’t really get to talk as much as I used to so every time I see a fellow being of my race, I talk – and I mean talk talk as in I’m on adrenaline rush. I miss my 2 hour phone talks with my best friend.

So let’s start with something humorous, going to do the whole usual “depressing and motivational talk" in the next post.

So I must have mentioned going to Redang Island, right? Here’s a random conversation between me and a bald drunk guy:

Le him: You don’t remember me? we were on the orientation trip. I remember you – then goes on to tell everything he remembers about me.
Le me: Maybe you had hair back then.

I am mean when I’m high. I wasn’t high high, but I was high, like you know when it’s after 12, and you are awake and you haven’t slept in ages and you are on adrenaline rush and stuff like that. Though I did get offered weed like 20 to 30 min before that and I said no. I don’t need weed to get high (H).

Have you ever tried to celebrate 2 birthdays in one night in 2 completely different places? I did, and its hell – hell lot of fun, hell lot of pain and a hell lot of expenses. I spend almost 200 bucks in 1 night and for someone bordering the lines of broke, that is a shit-lot of money. But it was kickass and I’m going to be an obvious female and be happy about what I’m going to type next – My hair didn’t get ruined.

And I went on another kickass trip from my uni for a day and it was awesome to some water resort where we did stuff like treasure hunt *sounds lame but whatever*, water PARK RIDES absolutely love those, then something called flying fox, late night swim etc etc.
This is the customized shirt I got made for my friend's birthday :)

Last week, I found out I can be really dumb when I'm panicking. So last week, we went to KL lake gardens, pretty awesome place. So we were on the shuttle bus, so two of us were sitting with our legs hanging out from the bus and then she dropped her wallet out of the bus. So I thought I saw them ask the bus driver to stop but he didn’t - well that's what I thought, so when one of my friends said "get it SARAH" I just jumped off the bus, fell on the heel on my foot, then on my ass and elbows and finally hit my head. On the bright side, I got the wallet and the bus stopped. But everyone considers me suicidal -.- and anytime I go anywhere now, my friends tell other people "don’t let her jump off buses" LOOL. I also had my mandarin singing competition this week. My group sang " ching fei te yi" and I literally sang the word "something" in a Chinese accent changing the tone according to the music.

I also found out this week its amusing to call your classmates during class when their cell phone is not on silent, it is more fun to ask someone to turn off their silent mode and watch them panic LOL. The best part is when they don’t have your number and have no idea who is calling.

I spent Sunday night and Monday night doing my friend's assignment on euthanasia (assisted suicide) and that was creepy on an entirely new level.

I also failed a midterm this week :/ my studies this semester are going down. :/ I was also nail polishing my nails through a test, and when my classmate texted me the answers, I texted her back I cant write cause I'm drying my nails. That class was mad - I was like 1 and quarter hour late and when I walked in I pointed to my shopping bags justifying "I was not shopping". And within the next 15min my cell which btw was not on silent rang twice.

My angel just learned how to chat btw. Check it out XD his English is adorable XD click to enlarge♥ :)

Sometimes I look at my family, and I think to myself that I'm the luckiest person on earth and maybe that's why so much shit happens to me to keep a balance between the good and bad things in my life.
Also my mom is planning on sending one of the twins here, I mean SERIOUSLY I don’t care if they are un-identical. You do not separate twins D: especially ones that are friends D:
At 3 months, isn't he adorable ♥?
They make me feel like the luckiest person on earth ♥ 
So much keeps happening in my life. It's hard to keep up some days. So to chill I often find myself practicing memes in class, making the rage face, the no face etc etc.

PS My next post will be extremely long and depressing.

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