Friday 4 January 2013

I quit.

I can't write about it. woho. I quit.
I have these raging demons inside of me and these words and everything is fucking building up, and I feel fucking suffocated and everyone has fucking someone and I feel like I have no one and I'm going no where.  My fucking family is falling apart and my grades are down. I'm addicted to smoking. I'm not sure who really are my friends any more. I fell in love with the wrong guy and it didn't work out, its been 2 months and it still kills me everyday. Did I mention my family is falling apart? I cant do anything about anything in my life. People tell me they'll be there for me, but when I come with a problem to them, it is a joke to them. So I fucking quit. I'm so fucking tired and I want to this to end. And no I am not fucking okay. I'm perfectly alive and I'm breathing just fine and that is just about the only thing that is right in my life right now.
My reality is equivalent to the average person's nightmare and I am not exaggerating when I say that. I want this to be fucking over. Either this gets over or my life. I effin grew up miserable and I come from the worst kind off childhood and I've hid that from every fucking person I know. I don't remember the last time I ate properly or the last time I had a peaceful  sleep. Fucking anxiety.
I am so tired of feeling like I'm not good enough and I am so tired of people making me feel that way.
I shouldnt have to try so hard. I fucking quit. Im so angry and so hurt and I can't remember what it feels to be genuinely happy. I quit. Save me someone cause I'm sure as hell done trying.

I shouldn't have to try so hard. Its not fair.